Rating: 5 stars
Buy Link: Amazon | All Romance | Amazon UK
Length: Novel
Bound, Volume 2 is the fifth book in Amy Lane’s Little Goddess series, and the story is a direct continuation of and builds upon the previous books. As a result, this review will not make sense if you have not been following the series, and may contain that dreaded word – spoilers.
Although most are taking advantage of the counseling sessions with Hallow, Cory continues to refuses to speak to him, unable and unwilling to expose what she perceives as weakness to him, especially if she can’t even bring herself to open up to Green or Bracken.
Hollow man’s attacks gain strength with a brutal attack first against Davy and Cory, followed by an attack against Bracken and Nicky, which almost leads to Bracken’s death. Cory feels like she is not up to the task, and her perceived failures fuel her doubts. In the end, Davy, Cory’s only human friend is caught in the crossfire, and Cory is devastated.
Grace’s daughter, Chloe may still be hanging around, but her motives are suspect. Chloe’s anger and spite leave Green no choice but to wipe her mind and send her and her boys away. Although the mind wipe takes, on the drive home, crisis strikes.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that this really isn’t an M/M book, although the fluidity of the character’s sexuality is not in doubt and neither is the diversity of the inhabitants of Green’s hill.
In this latest installment, I found that the overall pace of the story was faster than in the previous book, and yet the bulk of the book addresses some pretty mundane topics, in addition to Hollow man’s attacks. Lane also focuses more attention on the world building, which made sense and strengthened the feeling of community. I liked how Cory’s description of Davy’s world and Cory’s world were the same, but vastly different, and it is the seamless pairing of the everyday crossed with the supernatural that makes the idea of Green’s hill, a real Green’s hill, feasible.
I also noticed that this is where Cory truly grows as a character, accepting aid and becoming self-aware, and really, Cory’s development and growth is critical to all of the inhabitants of the hill. The story might have Cory, Green, Bracken, and Nicky at its core, but many of the secondary characters are given their time in the spotlight as the series progresses, which not only adds depth to the story, but also satisfies my desire to see these critical, yet secondary, characters find fulfilment and satisfaction with their lots in life.
I am going to say that of the books so far, Bound, Volume 2 is by far my favorite in the series, and that I was very fortunate to have been able to review these books.
A review copy of this book was provided by DSP Publications.